-$125 per couple -February 13 and Valentine’s Day, February 14 – 5pm to 10pm (plan on about a one-hour stay) -Adults over 18, must be 21 to drink -Reservations required by Feb 12 -No Cancellations will be accepted after 3:00pm Feb 11 -Couple creates both flower and or heart, individual creates flower or heart -hors d’oeuvres and two complimentary glasses of wine per person included
1) Choose ANY colors in Vetro color palette
2) Help apply color to hot molten glass gather
3) Work with artist to heat glass in 2,000-degree furnace
4) Remain with the artist while he creates your glass art
5) Pick up your glass art next business day after 3pm or ship for additional charge
Use the calendar below to book your reservation!
Due to popular demand… Hot Date Night on Feb. 13th and 14th are currently sold out. Please send us an e-mail below and we will contact you in the order your message was sent if any last minute cancellations occur.